Posts Tagged ‘annie’


[Posted by: Justin Wagner]

Woody Allen has always been a busy filmmaker, showing astonishing productivity and consistency throughout his career, and while in the 80’s he made 10 films, it was still one of his least fruitful decades. During the ending of the 70’s – beginning with Annie Hall – he ventured into a more sophisticated, dramatic comedy that would hint at the future filmmaker he would become. A year later he released Interiors which marked the first time he would direct a dramatic film. While these changes in style were new to Woody Allen, he would advance upon these changes very successfully in the 80’s with his increase of comedy/dramas and his new leading lady, Mia Farrow. Though the 80’s showed him making some of the best films of his career, it also was the start of him making bad films, or as bad as a Woody Allen picture can be. Let’s take a look at the best films Woody Allen has to offer from his career in the 80’s. (more…)


[Reviewed by: Alex Miller]

1977 was a year in which many cinematic classics were released – Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Annie Hall, The Goodbye Girl, & The Spy Who Loved Me just to name a few. Yet when Roger Ebert made his list of the 10 best films from 1977 his top pick was a film most haven’t even heard of, much less seen – 3 Women. I recently saw the Criterion edition DVD sitting in my local library and knew I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see what all the fuss was about. I wasn’t disappointed. (more…)