Archive for October, 2010


[Posted by: Martin Keller]

Over the past couple of years there’s been a lot of reporting on how our access to television and film has been shifting from the traditional model.  Instead of films taking the typical, theater-to-home video route, more films are going straight to DVD. OnDemand viewing is another new medium and has not only become an alternative for viewers who would normally wait for a DVD release or go to the theaters, but it has become a viable distribution option for independent and foreign filmmakers.  One notable OnDemand program is IFC‘s, premiering movies OnDemand the same day they premiere in theaters. There’s redbox, which allows you to rent a movie at a dollar a day, vastly undercutting the typical video store.  Another shift, and probably the most indelible, is Netflix.  The DVD-by-mail model has undoubtedly changed our viewing experience, giving us access to an almost innumerable amount of movies and television for a nominal monthly fee.  Further compounding the benefits of this model, is the ability to watch content directly through your computer, video game console, or television.  Also, while there have been arguments that the quality of films is going down (or at least not rising), the quality of television has certainly ascended with the resurgence of dramatic serials on HBO and AMC, and some better written sitcoms like Community and the short-lived but oft praised, Party Down.  It seems to me that for once, things are weighing in favor of the viewer and consumer.  It’s becoming a buyer’s market. (more…)


[Posted by: Justin Wagner]

Woody Allen has always been a busy filmmaker, showing astonishing productivity and consistency throughout his career, and while in the 80’s he made 10 films, it was still one of his least fruitful decades. During the ending of the 70’s – beginning with Annie Hall – he ventured into a more sophisticated, dramatic comedy that would hint at the future filmmaker he would become. A year later he released Interiors which marked the first time he would direct a dramatic film. While these changes in style were new to Woody Allen, he would advance upon these changes very successfully in the 80’s with his increase of comedy/dramas and his new leading lady, Mia Farrow. Though the 80’s showed him making some of the best films of his career, it also was the start of him making bad films, or as bad as a Woody Allen picture can be. Let’s take a look at the best films Woody Allen has to offer from his career in the 80’s. (more…)


[Reviewed by: Eric Raymer]

Slashers didn’t always used to be predictable, watered-down, remakes targeted at teenagers. Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true. But when they’re at their best, they possess a manic energy and dark sense of humor that doesn’t have to resort to self-aware, tongue-in-cheek laughs (Scream franchise, I’m looking at you). Adam Green’s Hatchet was a throwback to the best slashers of the eighties, and it succeeded in capturing their spirit. However, sequels in this genre don’t usually turn out so well. Can Hatchet II pull it off? (more…)


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[Posted by: Alex Miller] [Via: SR]

All-New Tron: Legacy footage combined with some awesome music from Daft Punk…what’s not to love? Don’t forget to check out our review of the original Tron.

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[Posted by: Alex Miller]

IESB is “reporting” that a new Star Wars trilogy is in the works:

“The ideal plan, according to our spy at Skywalker Ranch, is to be able to release a new Star Wars film within 24 months after the release of the last re-re-release (is that right?) of Return of the Jedi 3D. Too early for story details but one thing that our source is certain about, they will not be prequels but instead sequels. It’s not for certain if they will be the long awaited Episodes 7, 8 and 9 but could instead be Episodes 10, 11 and 12 or possibly even further out in the Star Wars timeline. And by giving space in the timeline, possibly even as far as 100 years or 1,000 years in the Star Wars universe future, Lucas avoids having to make these stories “fit in” with what the previous stories have told.” (more…)


[Reviewed by: Danny Moltrasi]

“Nothing can prepare you...”

First of all, let me start by saying that I really enjoyed the original Paranormal Activity. I thought it was spooky, atmospheric and creepy. Paranormal Activity 2, on the other hand, throws all of this away and resorts to cheap jump out scares. Pretty much everything that made Paranormal Activity good, and one of the biggest successes of 2009 cinema, is sadly left. Instead what we are given is an annoying family who have a pool cleaning machine that goes on walkabouts. Not exactly high art. (more…)


[Reviewed by: Alex Miller]

Perhaps one of the best examples of how bad the Academy is at picking the best film of the year, Mulholland Dr. was not even nominated for Best Picture in 2001. Instead they chose Ron Howard’s competent but all too formulaic and forgettable A Beautiful Mind that year. Although Director David Lynch (The Elephant Man, Dune, Lost Highway) did win Best Director at Cannes, it took time for some people to give the film the acclaim it truly deserves. It’s understandable in that if there was ever a film that DEMANDED repeat viewings it is this one. It is the first and only movie I have ever watched and then immediately rewinded and watched again (mind you it’s a 2.5hr long movie). I was interested but confused the first time, understandably so I think. The second time I wanted to go erect a statue in my yard in dedication to this cinematic achievement. If you missed out on this film when it came out, STOP READING as it is impossible to discuss this movie at any level of detail without completely ruining it for you. Go watch it, then read this, then go watch it again. (more…)


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[Posted by: Alex Miller]

When Wendy discover Stan’s “hoarding problem”, he is sent along with Mr. Mackey (and a sheep herder mistaken for a sheep “hoarder”) to a team of dream trackers who enter their dreams in order to cure him.

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