Archive for September, 2010


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[Posted by: Alex Miller]

Oh man this is funny. I don’t know if it’s worse than the one I made but it’s definitely close.

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[Posted by: Eric Raymer]

One of the things that continually amazes me about zombie films is that whenever it seems they’ve been completely played out, an innovative director comes along and puts a new spin on the genre. Still, there’s lots of schlock out there, and most of the time I approach a new zombie film much like I would an actual zombie: cautiously. When news about a forthcoming Cuban zombie film called Juan de los Muertos (Juan of the Dead) broke in May, my skepticism-meter was reading pretty high. Fortunately, any doubts I had were erased when I saw the awesome teaser trailers for the film. I recently spoke with director Alejandro Brugués (who was kind enough to take a break from preparing to shoot the film to exchange some emails), and it’s clear that he’s a huge zombie fan who is really happy to be making this film. Keep reading for some exclusive information about the film as well as the teaser trailers. (more…)


[Reviewed by: Danny Moltrasi]

“We gotta do somethin'. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it after we're done, and we're gonna hurt some people.”

Bank heist film, The Town, written, starring and directed byBen Affleck, is a very confidently made movie, with someone who is clearly better director than actor at its helm. Despite an overall well-paced film, and confidence enough to take the foot off the pedal at times to just tell the story, the action sequences do drag the film down. Watching cars fly about and bullets skim police officers just doesn’t cut it when compared to the rest of The Town, which in general, is a good film. (more…)


[Posted by: Alex Miller]

In this new series of articles I hope to showcase fun movie-related applications for iPhone/Droid/PC/MAC.  Featured apps can be a movie-themed game, utility, or novelty. Today’s app is a fun little replica of the DeLorean time circuit from Back to the Future. How close it comes to functioning like the one in the movie may surprise you! (more…)


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[Posted by: Alex Miller] [Via:]

Not so much haha funny as just a pretty good mashup of a horrible idea that part of me wishes would actually happen.

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[Posted by: Eric Raymer]

October is probably my favorite month because it gives me an excuse to watch a lot of horror films to get in the mood for Halloween. (Not that I need that much of an excuse.) It also means there’s a slew of new horror films ready to be released in theaters. If you’re wondering which will be worth checking out this month and which will just be more of the same cheap scares, keep reading for a breakdown of all the horror coming your way in October. (more…)


[Reviewed by: Danny Moltrasi]

“What’s so funny?”

Casey Affleck’s documentary on Joaquin Phoenix’s plan to leave the acting world, and rather enter the rap game, has been in and out of the news ever since it was announced. No one however was completely certain about the legitimacy of these event, with many claiming it was a hoax. Affleck and Phoenix insisted it was the real deal, up until a couple of weeks after its premier when they finally announced it was in fact, all planned. I had the opportunity to watch I’m Still Here with this knowledge, and it still provides a fascinating insight into people’s characters, treatment of others and a whole lot of guts from Phoenix. For the sake of this review, I am going to accept that this has been a hoax, as I still understand there are many suggesting that Casey Affleck has used that idea as a get out clause. (more…)


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Trailer Review:
[Reviewed by: Alex Miller]

The new trailer for The Fighter starring Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, and Amy Adams isn’t bad, it’s just not very original. To be fair, it IS based on the true story of “Irish” Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and his older half-brother/trainer Dickie Eklund (Christian Bale) so it has some credibility. Many of the scenes are filmed in the exact same places the events really happened. But you just can’t make a boxing movie about a nobody tough-guy with a thick accent becoming a big-time boxer, without it being compared to Rocky. You also can’t make the primary story line about the clash between a boxer and his brother/trainer without it being compared to Raging Bull. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you’re not allowed to make boxing movies anymore, but there should at least be something original about it. Million Dollar Baby for example, showed a female-boxer and highlighted touchy subjects relating to death. Ali was about the quintessential boxer and his fascinating life not only in boxing but his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War. In contrast, I’m not really sure what The Fighter brings to the table that we haven’t already seen. Of course we only have the trailer and not the entire film. The cast, in my opinion, is excellent. Amy Adams was a joy to watch in Sunshine Cleaning and I’m sure she’s an asset to the film. Whatever you think of Christian Bale personally, it’s hard to deny that he’s been in some good action movies. I’m curious to see how he does in a role that is probably more challenging than he’s used to. Mark Wahlberg will probably do an adequate job playing a boxer. He’s always been pretty good at playing the tough-asshole but not much else. The big negatives are the writers. IMDB credits 3 people, 1 of which hasn’t written anything previously, and the other 2 are the geniuses behind such classics as 8 Mile and Air Bud. Originally the film was supposed to be directed by Darren Aronofsky but now we have David O. Russell who made I Heart Huckabees and Three Kings (both of which starred Mark Wahlberg). That’s a pretty big downgrade but not horrible. At this point I expect a competent, if unoriginal, boxing movie that will adequately waste an afternoon at the movies. Maybe I’ll rent it.